Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Begatting of a President

1969, 1970 Ballantine edition
Myron Roberts, Lincoln Haynes, and Sasha Gilien
Drawings by Sandy Huffaker
The Begatting of a President
Original price "$1.00, slightly higher west of the Jordan," purchase price 25 cents
Worn paperback

With pseudo-leather covers, this is a tale of Nixon's resurrection after "ye shall not have Nixon to smite around anymore" and his 1968 election, told in quasi-Biblical language.  It's more interesting than funny, with such Republican candidates as "Romney the Rambler" (father of guess who) and "Ronald, he of the late, late show, whose hair, like his heart, was dyed black"; and such Democrats as "Bobby, son of Joseph and brother of John," and "the Hump."  While there is quite a bit on Nixon, it's LBJ who literally and figuratively hovers over the landscape, a devil and god in one.  You may need brain bleach after looking at Huffaker's (admittedly not detailed) drawings of not only a butt-naked Hubert Humphrey, but a couple and their 2.2 children all wearing fig leaves and Johnson's face.

The book became a record, narrated by Orson Welles.  It's easy to find recordings of it online if you're curious.

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