Monday, January 13, 2014

Interred with Their Bones: A Novel

2007, 2009 Plume edition
Jennifer Lee Carrell
Interred with Their Bones: A Novel
Bought new for $15.00
Worn paperback

Although this book is often understandably compared to The Da Vinci Code (which I've read but don't own), it most reminded me of Byatt's Possession (1990).  There's a literary mystery, but this time it's about a real writer, or set of writers, Shakespeare and his peers.  We get some glimpses of the past, but it's mostly set in 2004, as Kate Stanley prepares to direct at the rebuilt Globe.  She gets swept up in a mystery that involves a lost play of Shakespeare's, based on a subplot from Don Quixote.  I found this an irresistible idea, so I didn't mind that there's a lot of implausibility to its working out.  I was disappointed in the sequel, Haunt Me Still, then "coming in 2009," so I just checked it out of the library and didn't want to buy it.  This one held up to the third reading, especially since I didn't remember all the plot twists, but I could see eventually viewing it as a B-.

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