Friday, April 13, 2012

Once on a Time

1922, 1988 Penguin edition
A. A. Milne
Once on a Time
Original price $3.50, bought used for $2.50
Worn and torn paperback

Milne wrote this book in 1917 actually, but since I've got the '22 as well as '88 copyright in this edition, I'm going to assume that the '22 version, in which he tried to explain whom the book is for, is different enough.  Still, yes, I guess it is a "war book," even if it's the gentlest of war books, where no one actually dies or is hurt beyond a whisker.  It's a fairytale for grown-ups that children may enjoy.  There's nothing racy in it, but there are no clearly good or evil characters.  Nonetheless, it's a very light, whimsical story, without much to it but a pleasant way to pass the time.

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