Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Come out of the Kitchen!

1916, original Century Co. edition
Alice Duer Miller
Illustrations by Paul Meylan
Come out of the Kitchen!: A Romance
Bought used (of course) for $3.50
Hardcover with broken spine and worn cover

I always want to add "And Live!" after the word "Kitchen."  Despite the melodramatic title, this is a fun, "modern" book.  At one point, Cora is supposed to be playing classical but breaks out into ragtime, and no one notices.  Some of the illustrations look like photographs, but in a silent-movie-still sort of way.  And the cavalier way the secondary romances are treated, as if it doesn't really matter who ends up with whom beyond Crane and the cook, is more refreshing than sloppy.  (After all, it says "a" romance, not "a bunch of overlapping romances.")  Light, frothy fun, although it does include a friendly debate about the Civil War and a rich hero who tries not to be prejudiced against people based on color, gender, or class.

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